● Back up is a good habit: -> A habit to back up, It's usefull for your life; -> Back up this system includes: website files and database -> Before each upgrade, or a large system maintenance, please back up you system; -> Daily maintenance, like as modify the configuration, please backup too;
● Backup database -> [advice] To stop the mysql service before backup; -> To copy the database directory (recommended); -> Use commands (Expert available); -> Use the third party tools, like as: Adminer(https://www.adminer.org/) or phpMyAdmin(http://www.phpmyadmin.net/);
● Backup program files -> Mainly: /imcat and /root dirs。 -> Important file (folder): /root/cfgs/,/root/cfgs/boot/_paths.php.
● Before upgrade -> First: copy files from the latest package to cover the existing directory; -> The earlier version (V3.0), in fact, There no such these files, so you can copy the file in this way;
● Cover files -> /imcat/core/ >> blib/clib/glib/sdev subdirs -> /root/tools/setup >> (skip index.php setup entry) -> /root/cfgs/boot/cfg_load.php The automatic loading configs, you can edit it manually $_cfgs['acdir']
● Backup configuration again -> dirs: /root/cfgs/; -> file: /root/cfgs/boot/_paths.php; -> set: /imcat and /root writeable (to add files or modify files to be copied when upgrading).
● Execution entry: -> Upgrade entry: /root/tools/setup/upvnow.php -> Executive order: from top to bottom, from left to right, click the button, and step by step.
● Upgrade Files: -> Dirs: /imcat, core/ The newly added files and most of the modified files will be copied directly; -> For copy files, please set dirs: /imcat, core/ writeable; -> A small number of config files, will prompt comparison, please carefully contrast, and update. -> Manual deel dirs: /views/ Template directory, please manually processing; Pay attention the dir _pub/jslib(generic JS library); -> Manual deel dirs: /static, /vendor, /vendui Generally can directly copy the latest package to cover the files; -> Manual deel dirs: /root/run/ If you manually modified the entry files, please deel it (such as delete or move away);
● Upgrade DB-Frame(Tables,Fields): -> The newly added tables and fields will be updated directly; -> The modified fields, you will be prompted to contrast, please carefully contrast, and update. -> Add and modify the index, will be prompted to contrast, please carefully contrast, and update.
● Upgrade DB-Data: -> New tables and fields are added and the data(recs) is upgraded; -> The newly added configs: table named begin with bext, base, will be upgraded together; -> Modified config-Data: will prompt contrast, please carefully contrast, and update.
● Important tips: -> Specific import operation, according to the comparison after the SQL statement, manual (choose the required data) copy and run them; -> Before importing, please settings (add or modify fields) or manually modify the database structure; -> After modifying the structure of the database, you can be re initialized the cache, to check the structure.
● Set database: -> File: /root/cfgs/excfg/ex_outdb.php (part of $_cfgs) -> Tips: file: /root/cfgs/boot/cfg_db.php can copy from old system
● Initialization cache: -> Run first please.
● Increase or decrease of the table: -> add : The added tables in the new system -> old : The tables of the old system
● Modified fields: -> edit : Modified fields -> add : New system added fields -> old : Old system added fields -> skip : Modified fields (you can ignored)
● Increase or decrease of the index: -> add : New system added index -> old : Old system added index
● General upgrade options -> 如果升级的版本只相差一个,如从v3.1升级到v3.2,一般可选择自带[升级程序] -> 如果升级的版本相差较大,如从v3.0升级到v3.5,建议选择[导入旧版数据] -> Other tips: a specific version, please see the relevant notes at the release page
● Backup update record -> Dirs: /xvars/dtmp/update/ -> You can copy all the files here, back up, for the necessary follow-up analysis
● Clean up and Finish -> Delete dir: /root/tools/setup/, or set these PHP file can not be executed -> [Suggest]Set dir: /imcat and /root Can NOT write.