: /views/ven eng.php
direct. $_cbase['tpl']['vdir'] = 'ven';
is the tpl dir
'ven' => array('English','/english.php'),
va_home: homepage config
-> c: basic config
-> m: model homepage config
-> u: (custom) config
see: /views/umc/_config/va_home.php
app/console generate:bundle
to create Bundles; This is a bug in the Tpl(while Tpl Compiled):
-> These 2 problems as below, I want`nt to solve it while compile tpl(Multiple replacement/替换来替换去)
-> Please expression a methed to avoid them(In fact, It is very easy to avoid this)
// eg: <!--{=$this->tplname}-->
// -=>Parse into: <?php echo @$this->tplname; ?>
// -=>It should: <!--<?php echo @$this->tplname; ?>-->
// Solve: Add special symbol like as `/`: <!--/{=$this->tplname}/-->
// or Remark(<i id="jsid_count_{=$pmod}:{=$did}">0<!--`{=$this->mod},cnt_{=$pmod}`--></i>) (Use ` split them)
// !!! This problem has been resolved in v3.9, old is:{$vname} -=> new is:{=$vname}
eg: {php echo "userip={$_cbase['run']['userip']};"; }
// -=>Parse into: <?php echo "userip=<?php echo @$_cbase['run']['userip']; ?>;"; ?>
// -=>It should: <?php echo "userip=".@$_cbase['run']['userip'].";"; ?>
Solve1: Use `.` contact the string: {php echo "userip=".@$_cbase['run']['userip'].";"; }
Solve2: For large block PHP code, do not need template parsing, can be used as follows:
{php include_once vopTpls::tinc('m_tppart/tpfile',0); }
or: {code:"dev:tools/a-cfgs"}
-=> include file (it will NOT parse the code)
* php
- basLang::show('core.page_First')
- lang('admin.adm_center')
- <?php lang('tools.start_setup',0) ?>
* tpl
- {lang(core.view_times,$click)}
- {lang(core.sys_name)}
* js
- lang('jcore.sub_key')
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