● Move file: -> Create a sub dir in /root/, like as:usecret(Arbitrary modification), -> Copy file /root/run/adm.php to THIS sub dir, and modify the filename, like as cat.php(Arbitrary modification), -> Edit the path(_init.php) in this file: require dirname(__DIR__.'/run/_init.php');
● Edit config: -> File: /root/cfgs/sycfg/sy_vopcfg.php -> Edit item: $_sy_vopcfg['tpl'], -> like as: 'adm' => '/usecret/cat.php',// the path and the filename modify according to your set
● Visit the url, Enjoy! : -> /root/usecret/cat.php
● dirs: html,ures -> For optimize: you can move dirs /xvars/html, /xvars/ures out from xvars,
( From v3.5, It is optimized in the default set) -> Or set virtual directory: -> Attention to modify the configs in file【/root/cfgs/boot/_paths.php】.
● Background -> If more then one THIS system(Imcat) in the same server, and with the some version, they can share the dir:ximps/imcat
● Handling items -> Specific processing matters, can refer to the above, all of the sites are config virtual dirs, use the same ximps/imcat directory...