Function retuText(send_URL,user,pw)
PostStr = "?a=b&u="&user&"&p="&pw
Response.Write "<br>"&Len(PostStr)&"<br>"
Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.xmlHttp") ''Microsoft.XMLHTTP
With Retrieval
.Open "POST",send_URL,False," ", " "
.setRequestHeader "Content-Length",len(PostStr)
.setRequestHeader "CONTENT-TYPE", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
retuText = .ResponseText
End With
Set Retrieval = Nothing
End Function
s = ""
for i=1 to 32012 ''32K
p = 65+Int(26*Rnd()) '' 0 ~ (rMax-1)
s = s&Asc(p)&""
Response.Write "<br>Len(s):"&len(s)
a1 = ""
a2 = "http://localhost:240/u/demo/ext/xtemp/http-get.asp"
url = a2
user = "test12"
pw = "pw123423"&s
Response.Write "<br>Len(te):"&Len(te)&"<br>"
Response.Write "<br>"&vbcrlf&"<!--"&vbcrlf&te&vbcrlf&"--><br>"
Response.Write "<br>"&Now()
Dim oHttp,bHttp(2),sPost,sUrl
sPost = smsXmlUser&xData&"&_PeaceRndID="&Timer()
sUrl = xUrl&xAct&".action"''&sPost
''Response.Write "<br>"&sUrl&":"&sPost&"<br>"
Set oHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.xmlHttp") ''Microsoft.XMLHTTP
With oHttp
.Open "POST",sUrl,False," ", " "
.setRequestHeader "Content-Length",Len(sPost)
.setRequestHeader "CONTENT-TYPE","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
''.Open "GET",sUrl,False," ", " "
bHttp(0) = oHttp.Status
bHttp(1) = oHttp.StatusText
bHttp(2) = oHttp.ResponseText
End With
Set oHttp = Nothing