namespace imcat;
// dopBSo : 基本数据操作(data OP(base) for Search) --- 搜索...
// for : dopSo,
class dopBSo{
public $cfg = array();
public $mod = '';
public $typfid = 'catalog';
public $order = '';
public $dskey = ''; //默认搜索字段
public $urlstr = '';
public $whrstr = '';
//function __destory(){ }
function __construct($cfg,$tabid){
$this->cfg = $cfg;
$this->mod = empty($cfg['kid']) ? 0 : $cfg['kid'];
$this->tbid = $tabid;
$this->type = $cfg['pid'];
// 搜索项-类别
function Type($w,$msg='(null)'){
$stype = basReq::val('stype','','Key');
$this->urlstr .= "&stype=$stype";
$this->whrstr .= basSql::whrTree($this->cfg['i'],$this->typfid,$stype);
$this->whrstr .= " AND $this->typfid='$stype'";
$this->whrstr .= " AND $this->typfid='$stype'";
$str = "\n<input name='stype' type='text' class='w90' value='$stype'>";
$str = "\n<select name='stype' class='w$w'>";
if($msg=='(null)') $msg=basLang::show('flow.op0_type');
$str .= comTypes::getOpt($this->cfg['i'],$stype,$msg,0);
$str .= "</select>";
return $str;
// 搜索项-Keyword
function Word($w1=80,$w2=90,$msg='(null)',$soarr=array()){
if($msg=='(null)') $msg = basLang::show('flow.op0_filt');
$sfid = basReq::val('sfid',$this->dskey,'Key');
$sfop = basReq::val('sfop','lb','Key');
$sfkw = trim(basReq::val('sfkw'));
if($sfkw && isset($this->cfg['f'][$sfid])){
$this->urlstr .= "&sfid=$sfid&sfkw=$sfkw&sfop=$sfop";
$fcfg = $this->cfg['f'][$sfid];
// fmextra=winpop
if(!empty($fcfg['type']) && in_array($fcfg['type'],array('select','cbox','radio'))){
$this->whrstr .= basSql::whrScbr($this->cfg['f'],$sfid,$sfkw); //" AND `$sfid` LIKE '$sfkw%'";
if($sfop=='ll') $this->whrstr .= " AND `$sfid` LIKE '$sfkw%'";
if($sfop=='lb') $this->whrstr .= " AND `$sfid` LIKE '%$sfkw%'";
if($sfop=='lr') $this->whrstr .= " AND `$sfid` LIKE '%$sfkw'";
if($sfop=='eq') $this->whrstr .= " AND `$sfid`='$sfkw'";
$str = "\n<select name='sfid' class='w$w1'>";
$str .= $this->Options('char',$sfid,$soarr);
$str .= "</select>";
$str .= "<select name='sfop' class='w$w2'>";
$str .= basElm::setOption($this->sopc,$sfop,$msg);
$str .= "</select>";
$str .= "<input name='sfkw' type='text' class='w90' value='$sfkw'>";
return $str;
// 搜索项-范围
function Area($w=90,$w2=90,$rfield=''){
$sfrng = $rfield ? $rfield : basReq::val('sfrng','','Key');
$srva = basReq::val('srva');
$srvb = basReq::val('srvb');
if((!empty($srva) || !empty($srvb)) && (isset($this->cfg['f'][$sfrng]) || isset($this->fext[$sfrng]))){
$this->urlstr .= "&sfrng=$sfrng&srva=$srva&srvb=$srvb";
empty($srva) || $this->whrstr .= basSql::whrDate($sfrng,$srva,'>',$this->cfg);
empty($srvb) || $this->whrstr .= basSql::whrDate($sfrng,$srvb,'<',$this->cfg);
$str = "\n<select name='sfrng' class='w$w'>";
$str .= $this->Options('num',$sfrng);
$str .= "</select>";
$str = "\n<input name='sfrng' type='hidden' value='$rfield'>";
$str .= "<input name='srva' type='text' class='w$w2' value='$srva'>~";
$str .= "<input name='srvb' type='text' class='w$w2' value='$srvb'>";
return $str;
// 搜索项-字段(select,winpop)
function Field($key,$w=90){
$_groups = glbConfig::read('groups');
$val = basReq::val($key,'','Key');
$fc = @$this->cfg['f'][$key];
$ftype = @$fc['type']; $cfgs = @$fc['cfgs'];
$extra = @$fc['fmextra']; $exstr = @$fc['fmexstr'];
$opt = $str = '';
if($extra=='winpop' && isset($_groups[$exstr])){
$opt = comTypes::getOpt($exstr,@$val,'-'.$fc['title'].'-','',0);
}elseif($ftype=='select' && isset($_groups[$cfgs])){
$opt = comTypes::getOpt($cfgs,@$val,'-'.$fc['title'].'-','',0);
}elseif($ftype=='select' && $cfgs){
$opt = basElm::setOption($cfgs,@$val,'-'.$fc['title'].'-','',0);
}elseif($ftype=='cbox' && $cfgs){
$opt = basElm::setOption($cfgs,@$val,'-'.$fc['title'].'-','',0);
$str = "\n<select name='$key' class='w$w'>$opt</select>";
if($val && isset($this->cfg['f'][$key])){
$this->urlstr .= "&$key=$val";
if($extra=='winpop' && isset($_groups[$exstr])){ //可能多选...
$size = explode('x',$fc['fmsize'].'x');
$_n = empty($size[1]) ? 1 : intval($size[1]);
$this->whrstr .= " AND $key LIKE '%$val%'";
$imod = glbConfig::read($exstr);
$this->whrstr .= basSql::whrTree($imod['i'],$key,$val);
}elseif($ftype=='select' && isset($_groups[$cfgs])){
$imod = glbConfig::read($cfgs);
$this->whrstr .= basSql::whrTree($imod['i'],$key,$val);
}elseif($ftype=='select' && $cfgs){
$this->whrstr .= " AND $key='$val'";
}elseif($ftype=='cbox' && $cfgs){
$this->whrstr .= " AND $key LIKE '%$val%'";
return $str;
// 搜索项-Show()
function Show($w=70){
$val = basReq::val('show');
$item = basElm::setOption("s1=".basLang::show('flow.op_show')."\ns0=".basLang::show('flow.op_hide')."",@$val,basLang::show('flow.op0_show'));
$str = "\n<select name='show' class='w$w'>$item</select>";
$this->whrstr .= " AND `show`='".str_replace('s','',$val)."'";
return $str;
// 搜索项-排序
function Order($ord_now,$w=80,$msg='(null)',$opubs='-1'){
if($msg=='(null)') $msg = basLang::show('flow.op0_order');
$ord_pub = $opubs==='-1' ? array('atime' => basLang::show('flow.log_atime'),'etime' => basLang::show('flow.log_etime')) : $opubs;
$str = "\n<select name='order' class='w$w'>";
$ords = array_merge($ord_pub,$ord_now);
$str .= basElm::setOption($ords,$this->order,$msg);
$str .= "</select>";
return $str;
// 搜索项-form
function Form($bar,$msg,$w,$khid=array()){
global $_cbase;
$run = $_cbase['run'];
$mod = $this->mod;
$bar .= "\n <input name='sch_$mod' class='btn' type='submit' value='".basLang::show('flow.dops_search')."'>";
echo "\n<form id='fmid' name='fmid' method='GET' action='?".$this->urlstr."'>";
echo "\n<input name='{$_cbase['mkv']['mkv']}' type='hidden' value='' />";
echo "\n<input name='mod' type='hidden' value='$mod' />";
echo "\n<input name='view' type='hidden' value='".basReq::val('view')."' />";
echo "\n<input name='pid' type='hidden' value='".basReq::val('pid')."' />";
echo "\n<input name='did' type='hidden' value='".basReq::val('did')."' />";
echo "\n<input name='part' type='hidden' value='".basReq::val('part')."' />";
echo "\n<input name='act' type='hidden' value='".basReq::val('act')."' />";
foreach($khid as $k=>$v){
echo "\n<input name='$k' type='hidden' value='$v' />";
empty($run['sobarnav']) || $bar = $run['sobarnav']."$bar";
echo "\n</form>";
function Partbar(){
global $_cbase;
$mkv = $_cbase['mkv']['mkv'];
$stype = req('stype');
$mod = $this->mod; $pbar = '';
if($mod && in_array($mod,$_cbase['part']['mods'])){
$part = basReq::val('part',$_cbase['part']['def']);
$cls = $part=='(all)' ? " class='cur'" : '';
$pbar = "<a href='?$mkv&mod=$mod&stype=$stype&part=(all)' $cls>{$_cbase['part']['name']}(all)</a>";
foreach($_cbase['part']['tab'] as $kp=>$vt){
$cls = $kp==$part ? " class='cur'" : '';
$pbar .= " | <a href='?$mkv&mod=$mod&stype=$stype&part=$kp' $cls>$vt</a>";
$this->whrstr .= " AND part=''";
$this->whrstr .= " AND part='$part'";
return $pbar ? "$pbar<br>\n" : '';
// getOptions(Select)
function Options($types='',$def='',$soarr=array()){
$msg = basLang::show('flow.op0_type');
$ft = 'varchar';
$msg = basLang::show('flow.op0_area');
$ft = 'tinyint,int,float';
$msg = basLang::show('flow.op0_search');
$ft = '';
$arr = array();
foreach($soarr as $k=>$v){
if(is_numeric($k)) {
$arr[$v] = $v;
$arr[$k] = $v;
$arr = basArray::opaFields($this->cfg['f']+$this->fext,$ft);
return basElm::setOption($arr,$def,$msg);