Divied me to 3 parts: One for my faminy, One for my job, One for my favrite.
Improve English Word vocabulary to 15K,
(Examine in Shanbay App
Learn Python or World trade knowledge,
Publish a Python cms or framework,
And find my second occupation
I got a dreame at last night or today moning, It was about How easy to die!
We use big coffin ang hold big funeral in my hometown, I think It would be changed! I will write another article in chinese for this.
Oh, these wishes or dreams for 2022, It's only some jokes! The realy one's are in my heart! I never shows for anyone! I just write them for practice English writing!
This SO Called artice, It will be many errors in it! If your want correct then or interested this, Please wechat me!
More 心情墙
More 和平鸽小语
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